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So excited to start my library!

My Five Senses

My Five Senses (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1) - Aliki, Aliki

My Five Senses is a very cute book for kindergartners, it shows the senses using simple statements so children are able to grasp what is happening in the text. I would use this for a science lesson to introduce senses, I would also have this as a small group reading activity so they can become more familiar with the words. 

The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister, J. Alison James

The Rainbow Fish is a great story about a lonely fish (like many students feel like they are) and shows the fish grow from giving his things away and becoming a better friend. It is great for teaching a lesson on making friends, there are so many friendship building activities you can create from this book! I would read this to grades kindergarten to fifth. 


Corduroy - Don Freeman

Corduroy is a good book to read to children from kindergarten to second grade. It is a sweet story with a lesson to love people for their personalities instead of the way they look. I would use this book to show that everyone struggles and not everyone is perfect, but you should always be kind to one another.

All My Stripes

All My Stripes: A Story for Children with Autism - Shaina Rudolph, Danielle Royer, Jennifer Zivoin

All My Stripes will be used in my future classroom, it is an extremely creative book showing children's differences and. It shows children how to love themselves, even if they are different and I think that is so important as a teacher. I would use this book for a lesson on diversity. The intended audience would be kindergarten to third grade.